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1. QA/1.1 Syllabus

3.3 Static analysis by tools (툴에 의한 정적 분석) Terms Compiler, complexity, control flow, data flow, static analysis. BackgroundThe objective of static analysis is to find defects in software source code and software models.Static analysis is performed without actually executing the software being examined by the tool; dynamic testing does execute the software code. Static analysis can locate defects that are hard to find in testing. As with .. 더보기
3.2 Review process (리뷰 프로세스) TermsEntry criteria, formal review, informal review, inspection, metric, moderator/inspection leader, peer review, reviewer, scribe, technical review, walrthrough. BackgroundThe different types of reviews vary from information (e.g. no written instructions for reviewers) to very formal (i.e. well structured and regulated). 3.2.1 Phases of a formal review A typical formal review has the following.. 더보기
3.1 Static techniques and the test process (정적 기법과 테스트 프로세스) Terms Dynamic testing, static testing, static technique. BackgroundUnlike dynamic testing, which requires the execution of software, static testing techniques rely on the manual examination (reviews) and automated analysis (static analysis) of the code or other project documentation. Reviews are a way of testing, which requires the execution of software, static testing techniques rely on the man.. 더보기
iOS 앱 검수 평균 시간 안드로이드야 배포 후 검수라서 따로 배포 일정을 고려하지는 않지만, iOS는 Apple 쪽의 검수 후 배포이기 때문에, 검수 시간에 따라 배포 일정이 많이 좌지우지되는거 같음. 공식은 아니지만 어느정도 앱 리뷰 시간이 뜨는 사이트가 있어 배포 일정에 참고하기엔 딱 좋은거 같다. 데이터는 개발자들의 앱 배포를 통해 모은 것으로 어느정도의 신뢰성을 두고 있는거 같으나, 최근이라도 과거의 데이터이기 때문에, 참고용으로 쓰면 좋을듯! 아래 스크린 샷의 시간이 걸릴 수도 안걸릴 수도 있다라는 얘기 ㅎ http://appreviewtimes.com/ 더보기
2.3 Test Types (테스트 유형) Terms Black-box testing, code coverage, functional testing, interoperability testing, load testing, maintainability testing, performance testing, portability testing, reliability testing, security testing, specification-based testing, stress testing, structural testing, usability testing, white-box testing Background a group of test activities can be aimed at verifying the software system (or a .. 더보기